Saffron Walden Town Council

t: 01799 516501/516502   


Opening hours: 08.30-16.30 M-Th; 08.30-16.00 F

Responsible for allotments at Crocus Fields and Little Walden Road, closed churchyard, The Common, public open spaces, grass cutting, litter bins, markets, benches, shelters, finger posts, the Cemetery, The Close, Dorset House, Jubilee and Bridge End Gardens. The Battle Ditches, The Jubilee Hub and the fabulous Tourist iIformation Centre.

The Town Council comprises 18 members and is elected every four years. The Council meets monthly and has the following standing committees: Council, Planning and Transport, Assets & Services, Finance & Establishment. All Town Council and Committee meetings are, with occasional exceptions, open to the public. Agendas are posted on the website and on the Town Hall noticeboards. Copies of the Minutes are available at the Town Council Office and on the website.
Lisa Courtney, Town Clerk.

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