The Art of Tai Ji Quan - Tai Chi Chuan

t: 07940 345203   m: 07940 345203   


Opening hours: 19.30-21.00 Th

Improving your mental concentration, physical flexibility, and stamina. Authentic lineage from Tai Ji masters makes our Art unique and original.

Sifu David Miller and Senior Instructor Manvinder Hutchings instruct in the traditional Yang Style Tai Ji. Sifu has over 35 years of experience in the art. The relaxing gentle exercises has proven multiple health benefits and students notice improvements in their fitness levels after a short time. Professional members of Tai Chi Union for GB and British Council for Chinese Martial Arts.
Our senior instructor and acupuncturist, Manvinder is on the Executive Management Board of the British Council for Chinese Martial Arts, she is also a qualified judge at the National Tai Chi Championships in the UK.

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