Cosmetics (also found at beauty salons)Boots the ChemistMarket Place, Saffron Walden, Essex, CB10 1HRt: 01799 522342 w: hours: 08.30-17.30 M-S; 10.00-16.00 SuPharmaceutical goods, cosmetics, baby products, dietary foods, etc. Lunch time food and drinks in chillers. Prescription collection service from.. read moreview on mapFound in:Cosmetics (also found at beauty salons)Pharmacies - ChemistsPhotography; Photographic Services.Superdrug35 King Street, Saffron Walden, CB10 1EUt: 01799 513461 Opening hours: 09.00-17.30 M-S; 10.00-16.00 SuToiletries, non-prescription pharmaceuticals and beauty products.view on mapFound in:Cosmetics (also found at beauty salons)