Clubs and Societies

Amnesty International

t: 01799 524471 (Pam Gadsby)   


A worldwide human rights movement independent of any government, ideology or religious creed. Contact Pam Gadsby for details of meetings.. read more

Arts Society Saffron Walden

The Quaker Meeting House, High Street, Saffron Walden, CB10 1AA


Opening hours: Morning or afternoon lecture on the third Wednesday of the month

The Arts Society Saffron Walden brings people together to hear experts share their knowledge of the Arts.

The Arts Society is.. read more

Ashdon and Saffron Walden Young Farmers Club

t: 01245 360442   


The Essex County Federation of young Farmers Club is a youth organisation made up of 16-28 year olds and, despite.. read more

Ashdon Gardening Club

Ashdon Village Hall, Crown Hill, Ashdon, CB10 2HA

m: 07889 441675.   

Opening hours: 3rd Thurs 19.45; Jan-May and Sept-Nov

We have speakers at most meetings and visits to other gardens and events during the summer. Members and guests welcome.

Crocus Sapphires (previously Lioness Club)

t: 01799 526846 Angela Howard   

Opening hours: 10.00 1st Tue of month

To enjoy fun and friendship with like-minded individuals whilst serving the needs of our local community and the wider world... read more

Friends of Audley End

t: Tim Turner 07732 864795   


Charity. The Friends’ aim is to support the work of Audley End House and Gardens. There is an annual subscription.. read more

Inner Wheel Club of Saffron Walden

Local venue for a meal, we meet on the 1st Wednesday every month.

t: 01799 500462 Margaret Dawson - President   

Opening hours: 18.00 for 18.30 1st Wednesday every month

Enjoy fun and friendship whilst serving communities home and abroad. Membership is open to all women. Please contact:.. read more

Lines Bridge Club Saffron Walden

Abbey Lane, Saffron Walden, Essex, CB10 1DG

t: 01799 525728   


Opening hours: 13.30-16.30T; 19.30-22.00Th.

Bridge Club running two duplicate bridge sessions each week. There are also a number of groups teaching Beginners and.. read more

North West Essex Conservative Association

3 Museum Street, Saffron Walden, Essex, CB10 1JN

t: 01799 506349   


Opening hours: Visits by prior appointment only

Saffron Walden Conservative Association is the local group for members and supporters of the Conservative Party. We offer a range.. read more

Saffron Lacemakers

t: 01799 527718   

Opening hours: 1st M of month 19.30-22.00 in members' houses.

Self help group to promote lace making and all aspects of the craft.

Saffron Walden and District Flower Club

United Reformed Church, Abbey Lane, Saffron Walden

t: 01223 892529   

Monthly demonstrations of flower arranging or practical instruction and workshops occasionally. Visitors welcome.

Saffron Walden Art Society

Katherine Semar School, Saffron Walden


Opening hours: 19.30 - 3rd Fri Month

Meeting monthly for a demonstration by a professional artist. We enjoy painting days, plein air sketching sessions.

Our annual Showcase Exhibition.. read more

The Saffron Walden Breakfast Club

Opening hours: 07.20-08.30 3rd Tue Mth - PLEASE BOOK!

Providing an opportunity for local business people to meet in a relaxed environment over breakfast on a monthly basis to.. read more

Saffron Walden Camera Club

Community Link, Market Street, Saffron Walden, CB10 1HX


Opening hours: 19.30–21.30 alternate Fridays

The club meets September to July. Membership open to anyone interested in photography. Varied programme of lectures, workshops, competitions and.. read more

Saffron Walden Model Railway Club

United Reformed Church, Abbey Lane, Saffron Walden, CB10 1AG

t: 01799 521029 Treasurer   

Opening hours: 19.15-21.15 M

Promotes the hobby of railway modelling, by providing facilities for members, including the collection, collation and dissemination of information concerning.. read more

Saffron Walden Museum Society Ltd

t: 01799 527546   


Members welcome to help support the Museum, have free entry to the Museum during opening hours and private viewing of.. read more

Saffron Walden U3A

t: 01799 541288   


We are a self-help, self-managed, lifelong learning co-operative for those who are no longer in full-time employment or bringing up.. read more

Saffron Walden Veterans Breakfast Club

Wetherspoon's, The Temeraire on the High Street, Saffron Walden, Essex, CB19 1AA

m: 07957 591331   

w: find us on facebook

Opening hours: 08.30 for 09.00 Second Sat/mth

Place for veterans to get together and chat.

We are a group of veterans that meet once a month to have.. read more

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