Saffron Walden Solo Singers

Fairycroft House, Saffron Walden, Essex, CB11 3HD

t: 07940 016672   

Opening hours: Thursdays 7.30 - 9.30 p.m.

We are a group of singers of all levels and genres who love to sing and be sung to. We sing as individuals rather than as a choir, and receive very positive support and feedback from local diva Joanna Eden, who attends around half of our sessions. We perform in an annual charity music event as well as Saffron Wälden’s Fete de la Musique - although there is no obligation for our members to sing in public.

Our friendly group is always interested in welcoming and encouraging new members. This is an ideal group for someone wanting to build confidence in their singing, and perhaps go on to sing at open mics.

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