Toddler Groups and Playgroups

Accuro (Care Services) Saturday Play Club

t: 01279 870297   


Drop in service for children with a disability aged over 8 yrs.

Saturday Play Club
Venue one:
ECL, 39 Audley Road, Saffron Walden,.. read more

Buffy Playbus

t: 07749 031086   


Mobile play bus with experienced play leaders, for children to play and socialise. Age under-5s. Available to hire for special occasions.


Congregational Chapel, Carmel Street, Great Chesterford, Essex, CB10 1PH

Opening hours: 09.15-10.00 T (term time only)

.A fun interactive music group for babies, toddlers and preschoolers.

Dame Bradbury's School

Ashdon Road, Saffron Walden, Essex, CB10 2AL

t: 01799 522348   


Independent Early Years and Junior School for boys and girls aged 1-11. Dame Bradbury's is a school of the Stephen.. read more

Jo Jingles Pre-School Music & Movement

t: 07485 721393   


Opening hours: Thursdays during term time

Classes for babies, toddlers and pre-school. Contact Carole for further class details, times, other local venues, and to book your.. read more


2 King Street, Saffron Walden, CB10 1ES

t: 0345 603 7628.   


Opening hours: 10.00-17.30 M-Th; 10.00-19.00 F; 09.00-17.00 S

Comprehensive range of library services inc. free internet and wifi access, DVDs, local history resources, reference materials, booktalk groups.

The.. read more

Little Berries Play Group

Littlebury Village Hall

Opening hours: 10.00-11.30 Th; throughout the year (on in the holidays). £2.50 per family.

Mini Athletics (Saffron Walden)

Dame Bradbury's School Ashdon Road Saffron Walden, CB10 2AL

t: 07704 990284   


Opening hours: 09.00-11.15 Sun

Winning gold for Sports activities for under 8s!

We have specially designed classes for each age group ranging from walking -.. read more

The Musical Box

Clavering and Elmdon Village Halls

t: 01763 838779   m: 07731 990484   

Opening hours: Wed & Thurs am

Music and movement for young children and babies.

Newport Essex Playgroup

Meets at Newport Village Hall

Opening hours: 09.30-11.30 F (not BH)

All up to date information is on the Facebook page - search for 'Newport Essex Toddler Group'.

Every Friday, term time.. read more

Rock and Roll Baby


Opening hours: Thursdays (term time)

Baby classes to connect you and your baby.

Thursdays, Radwinter, Saffron Walden. Priced at £12 per class.

10am Baby Massage
This is.. read more

Saffron Walden Playgroup

Friends' Meeting House, High Street, Saffron Walden


Opening hours: 10.00-11.30 T (term time)

Book online.

St Mary's Church

Church Path, Saffron Walden, CB10 1JP

t: 01799 506024 (Parish Office)   


Team Rector: Rev'd Jeremy Trew

Sunday Morning Services: Holy Communion BCP 8.00am; Family Communion 10.30am; except for 4th Sunday which is.. read more

STEAM for Toddlers and Primary School Kids

Goddard Way, Saffron Walden, Essex, CB10 2EB

t: 01799 523281   m: 07708 157326   


Opening hours: 09.00-10.00 M

I run free STEAM ( science, technology, engineering, arts and maths) sessions every Monday morning for babies, toddlers and preschoolers.. read more

Teddies Toy Library

New Life Church, Saffron Walden, CB11 3AQ

w: Fb: @teddiestoylibrary

Opening hours: Alternate Mondays 9.30-11.00

Enjoy free refreshments while your little ones play with a range of toys, all available to hire. £4 per session.. read more

Tempos Performing Arts and Tiny Tempos

m: 07956 211909   


Opening hours: See website

Ballet, tap, musical theatre, street dance, show choir and Acro dance. 3+ years.

Wicken Baby & Toddler Group

Wicken Bonhunt Church, CB11 3UG

t: 07784 351195   

Opening hours: Second and last Tuesday of each month. 9:45-11:30

t: 07784 351195
Opening hours: Second and last Tuesday of each month. 9:45-11:30 read more

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