The Saffron Walden Injury Clinic

Lord Butler Fitness & Leisure Centre,, Peaslands Roa, Saffron Walden, CB113EG

t: 01799 934166   


Opening hours: 11.00-21.00 M-F

As an Injury Clinic we specialise in all forms of musculoskeletal injuries, both common and sporting. Everything from neck pain to knee pain, from sciatica to arthritis. We have got you covered. Our dedicated team of therapists will get you back to feeling 100% with our simple 5 step programme.

First we’ll listen to you and the history of your injury or condition. We’ll complete a full injury assessment, including a postural assessment and gait analysis. Then we will diagnose your injury.

We’ll explain everything in simple terms and educate you, not only on the injury or condition you have but how it has occurred. Then we’ll discuss injury management, how we can decrease pain, increase range of movement and make day to day life easier.

Then discuss all the possible treatments available, how they can benefit your injury or condition and put together a personalised treatment plan.

Rehabilitation is a key aspect to improving an injury or condition. This can be carried out both at home and during your session, you will receive a tailored rehabilitation programme to suit your every need and get you on the road to recovery.

Our final and most important stage, is the prevention and aftercare of your injury or condition. Not only will we help prevent your injury reoccurring, we also offer aftercare to ensure you are back to full fitness and stay that way.

At The Saffron Walden Injury Clinic we believe the correct diagnosis, the necessary treatments and a good level rehabilitation is very important. We also pride ourselves in the focus of prevention over cure, as we believe that preventing an injury is just as important than curing one. We strive to achieve this with our simple 5 step programme.

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