Theatre Inspiring Change

t: 07909 960490   

Multi-award winning theatre. Our mission is to empower people to be who they are without prejudice, hate or discrimination. To enable people to find their voice, grow in knowledge and power and be listened to in order to make change to their own lives and the community.

We use theatre as the vehicle, as it holds remarkable power to build empathy, challenge norms, educate and catalyse personal growth and social change.

In particular, interactive theatre that can be performed anywhere, where our audiences experience a play inspired by real life stories, and are then tasked to be active in calling out inequality in order to make change.
We're proud to have made an impact to over 100,000 young people and adults.

Awards include: WINNER as top UK entrepreneur at the F:Entrepreneur Awards 2024, WINNER Community Champion Best Business Women Awards, FINALIST National Diversity Awards, WINNER High Sheriff’s Award, WINNER Most Inspiring Businesswoman at Best Business Women Awards, SHORTLISTED European Diversity Awards.

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